曝温家宝家族财富 纽约时报屏蔽挺温点评 也被大陆屏蔽 组图


美国纽约时报今年6月底开通中文网,网友"在水一方"来稿说,这是22日纽约时报中文网的首页,还以为读到了中共的党媒。可它确实是美国的纽约时报,纽约时报成立了个海外五毛中文网?! 讲到美国就是一文不值,讲到中共就是「共同富裕与改革共识」。连续读它一星期,走不脱这个模式。













Julia Peng在推特上说:政治斗争的残酷性在换届时出来了。温家宝总理遭报复了。我在此报此文下的评论为什么不给公布?


Julia Peng被纽约时报屏蔽的原文:

disagreeing on Wen Jiabao's being accused byNYTImes

October 25, 2012 by juliapeng

Stupid New York Times.

Most of men will become corrupt when the opportunity of corruption comes without any cost and penalty either in law or in morality.

Responsibility comes with free will. If Wen had created this unjust system even jointly, he would be guilty of the charge. Only benefiting from an unjust system involves less free choice and thus less responsibility.

Of course being corrupt is still wrong. Why should I be willing to speak for him? Because as far as I experience, under Minister Wen's ruling the Chinese people enjoyed more freedom of speech, especially in those social networking sites such as weibo (like twitter) than ever before and probably than the near future, which has brought profound changes to China's society.

My account in weibo had been shut down for last two months, probably in accordance with the time of Wen's losing power in the wake of the leadership transition.

He is one of the most enlightened Chinese leaders, regarding to their feeling of the need to reform China's social and political structures, with an aim to bring a better and more just society.

Of course how far those enlightened Chinese leaders can go in political reform is questionable. But sometimes a man who cares about his family can at the same time feel a genuine sympathy towards the common people who suffer. He may not care as much as his relatives care about those material goods. He may care more about his political legacy and reputation. But his choice is limited.

Changing the whole system is almost impossible for a single man or a group of men. However, liberalization in ideas and information circulation is a way to lead to more fundamental changes in political structures. Having free speech is like leaving a door to more freedom ajar, and stronger forces from the people will join in gradually to push the door to be wide open.

His political enemies probably helped the author to prepare this article. Since Wen is the one who has been openly against Bo Xilai, and naive NYTimes likes Bo for his alleged populist and egalitarian tendency, we will get the rest of the story.

The above comments is regarding to the article in NYTimes: Billions in Hidden Riches for Family of Chinese Leaderhttp://nyti.ms/PtVqIk



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