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时事评论员林子旭:〝不知道他们退休以后,是不是还会继续流泪、继续醉酒。没有摆脱中共的勇气,就算是换上了习、李上台,一切也必然都是老样子。 在中共这个体制的束缚下,我们看到了,胡、温、习、李四个人用了一年的时间,都搞不定一个恶贯满盈,连中共自己的规矩都不遵守的薄熙来,我们还能指望中共体制下,能有谁为老百姓做些什么呢?〞









采访编辑/常春 后制/金同

Counting the Odds in China's National People's Congress

The 12th National People's Congress took place on the 5th.

As this is the year of the decennial Communist regime
central organization changes, observers realized odd happenings have transpired.
The following is our report.

Taiwan's Want Daily reported Wen Jiabao said nothing about
political reform in his Prime Minister Commencement report.
This is abnormal for Wen Jiabao, since political reform
has always been his speech topic in recent years.
Take September 2010 as the example, Wen Jiabao
mentioned political reform six times on various occasions.

Commentator Liu Qikun indicated that at
the transition of power,
the purpose of Wen Jiabao's silence in political reform
was to echo the political report of Hu Jintao during the 18th National Congress.

Commentator Liu Qikun: "The Communist regime surely
continues its evil route and stays firm in its socialism with Chinese characteristics.
That is the instruction during the 18th National Congress,
i.e., to reject political reform explicitly."

In addition, Wen Jiabao took a deep bow three times
to the audience after he finished reading his hour-long report.
Those bows were quite odd during the opening ceremony
of the National People's Congress.

Political commentator Lin Zixu analyzed that Wen Jiabao's
three bows indicated he's aware of what's happened in China.
In fact, over the past 10 years, Hu and Wen had achieved
nothing and social problems worsened.

Political commentator Lin Zixu: "I suspect after retirement
they will keep on crying and drinking.
Without the courage to leave the Communist regime,
everything will remain the same even with the new leaders.
Under the Communist regime, we see these four people,
Hu, Wen, Xi, and Li, could not even handle Bo Xilai.
What else should we expect from the Communists?
Who will serve the people?"

The Communist regime mouthpiece, Xinhua News Agency,
published a brief message on January 9 indicating a group of sacked senior officials,
including Bo Xilai, have been transferred to the judicial
authorities. It is speculated that Bo's trial is near.

Political commentator Chen Pokung indicated that
Bo Xilai's fall suggested the possibility of political reform.
It would have been a start for Xi Jinping to promote
political reform.

But the reality is that Bo Xilai has not been brought to justice.

According two U.S. officials, Wang Lijun provided the U.S.
government relevant information about the corruption in the Communist high officials.
It included the coup plan of Wang's superior, Bo Xilai,
and Politburo Standing Committee member Zhou Yongkang, to topple the new successor, Xi Jinping.

It was believed that Bo Xilai's case will be a good
opportunity for Xi Jinping to establish his authority and eliminate political opponents.

One more thing worth mentioning is Hugo Chavez, dictator
of Venezuela, died on the opening day of the China's National People's Congress,
and his 14-year-long dictatorship finally ended.

Lin Zixu said that this is undoubtedly a
to the Chinese Communists.

Lin Zixu:"Currently, both the international and domestic
situation are very unfavorable to the Communist China.
It is obvious the regime feels panic and helpless.

We can understand the reason why the regime
is anxious about the annual political meetings.
They need some applause, recognition, and comfort,
even if they are fake ovations. They do it at all cost."

As reported by the New York Times, the "two weeks
of tightly controlled political theater that
rarely strays from a stolid procession of speeches,
news conferences and invariably pro-government votes—
all of it intended to give a united and untroubled public
face to a reliably secretive party leadership."

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