北京暴雨61年一遇? 水利专家揭底

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解析中国之旅-开放/报导中国-开幕(Assignment: China - Opening Up)

解析中国之旅-开放/报导中国-开幕(Assignment: China - Opening Up)
To view Assignment: China - Opening Up without Chinese Subtitles, please visit: youtu.be It was 1979. The US and China had just established diplomatic relations. For the first time since the Communists took power in 1949, the Chinese government allowed American journalists to be based in Beijing. Assignment: China, "Opening Up" is their story. 1979年,中美建交之初。自1949年共产党掌权以来,中国政府破例允许美籍记者们驻扎北京。而"解析中国之旅"-"开放"/报导中国-开幕讲述的就是他们的历程。 Based on extensive interviews with virtually all the pioneering reporters who opened the first US news bureaus in the People's Republic -- including Fox Butterfield, Jay and Linda Mathews, Richard Bernstein, Frank Ching, Melinda Liu, Jim Laurie, John Roderick, and many others -- the documentary also contains interviews with Chinese officials who sought to manage the Western media, people the reporters covered, as well as rare archival footage, still photos and previously unseen home videos. 以集中采访包括Fox Butterfield, Jay 以及Linda Mathews, Richard Bernstein, Frank Ching Melinda Liu, Jim Laurie, John Roderick等数名派往中国的美国新闻分社开拓先锋记者们为基点,本纪录片也记录了对于以监管西方媒体为职的中国官员们的采访,记者的访问的对象和罕见的档案影像,照片以及未曾面世的私人录影。 This episode is one of several that make up an ambitious multimedia project exploring the work of US China correspondents and the role they have played in shaping both American perceptions of the country and US ...

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